Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Eyelash Envy

I have a problem!  I have "Eyelash Envy".   Everytime a new mascara comes out at the drugstore, I am convinced that it will be "The One".  The One that makes me look like the model on the package, The One that won't clump together, flake off or smell funky (Sheer Cover smelled super funky!).  I know full well that the models have false eyelashes, professional make-up artists, photographers and photo editors.  Even so, I buy the new mascara thinking that it will somehow fulfill my lash fantasy (Revlon Lash Fantasy, btw: 2 step application and ended up flaking under my eyes by the afternoon).  CoverGirl Exact Eyelights was supposed to bring out the natural beauty of my hazel eyes (blah blah) and Rihanna said it would make my eyes "4X brighter".  I'm not sure they were brighter...how do you measure eye brightness? Well if I can't believe Rihanna, can I believe Drew Barrymore?  I decided to take the risk and see if CoverGirl Lash Blast would "max out each lash" and remain smudge proof.  Well, I thought I'd share  a picture since, so far, this is my favorite.  (It's kinda scary, beware.  Maybe I could have smiled eh?) I still want to try Maybelline's Stilettos mascara to see if I can "grasp each lash" to get "provocative length".  I'll keep you posted.  Meanwhile, please let me know if you've found "The One".  (See why I don't really fit in at the composting workshops?)


  1. I'm using Stilettos right now and I'm not so impressed....it flakes off pretty easily. Have you seen the prescription you can get to grow your lashes? I thought of you immediately!

  2. Thanks, I won't waste the time on the Stilettos then. I have seen the Latisse, and I would love to use it...but I wont' spend that kind of money.

  3. Corinne, you crack me up! I don't have a favorite because I use whatever Lee brings home with his coupons and rebates.
