Sunday, July 26, 2009

Things that I really want to do (suburban hippie speaking)

  • Build and plant a small raised bed garden - I already have an awesome self-contained, rotating composting bin.  I just need something on which to put my compost.  
  • Raise a few egg laying chickens in my suburban back yard.
  • Make and sell my reSnackle bags to save the world from plastic baggie abuse.
I'm not the most ambitious person around and this may take a few years.  We'll see how it goes, but with small kids still at home and my part time job as a group fitness instructor, I don't have a lot of spare time.  In Fall of 2010, my youngest will start school full time and then maybe... I'll get around to doing a lot more of what I dream of.

1 comment:

  1. Morning Corinne,
    I have the perfect solution for you! The IT thing around my neighborhood is called a salad table, or salad bar- if you google directions for it, there are plenty of sites that show you how to build them for less than $35.
    I love that they are raised to waist height so you don't have to bend over to tend to them. Its almost like you could belly up to them with a bottle of dressing and start eating!!
    Caroline G.
